Monday, December 1, 2014

The Final Stretch

We did more on computability in lecture this week and I think that I still understand it. I am still having trouble seeing how exactly to formally show computability because everything I come up with looks very informal and doesn't look like work I would want to submit. I am going to as Danny about this in lecture and hopefully know exactly what I need for the last question of Assignment 3. When reading other SLOGs, I noticed that Damon made a really good point in saying that the halting problem is a lot like recursion. Although he didn't quite understand the concept fully, I think that this idea of relating it to recursion makes a lot of sense.

This will probably be my final SLOG, and I will be busy over the next week trying to make sure I understand everything for the exam. I am still having a little trouble with delta epsilon proofs but hopefully I can understand them well enough to get a good mark on the final.